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Great Poetry volume 14 release - Los Angeles
Great Poetry volume 14 release
Sylmar - May 27

Thank you St. Jude!
Sherman Oaks - May 11

Thank you Archangel Michael - Los Angeles
Thank you Archangel Michael
Sherman Oaks - May 11

Way to Happiness - Guide to Common Sense Living
Sylmar - May 04

The Storm by Marie J. Mond - Los Angeles
The Storm by Marie J. Mond
Sylmar - May 04

Free cholesterol test and get paid $45 - Los Angeles
Free cholesterol test and get paid $45
Pasadena - Mar 18

Maids and Maintenance - Los Angeles
Maids and Maintenance
All los ageles and valley areas, North Hollywood - Feb 15

Poetry Contest - New Beginnings - Los Angeles
Poetry Contest - New Beginnings
Sylmar - Feb 09